Saturday, August 20


Today I tried making Socca! I say tried, because most likely next time I make it, it will be more successful. let me tell you... this stuff is amazing!! Completely gluten free!! it's crispy, gewy, sweet and salty all in one! yum:)

so as you can see I ended up with more of a cluster of socca, than pizza like bread. It came out as a perfect finger food, with tomatoes, spinach and avocado. I am a believer in socca. 

Here's the Recipe: (for the best description, and other socca recipe's go to pure2raw)
1/2 C garbanzo flour
1C water
Pinch of sea salt
2 Tb Coconut oil (or olive oil)

Whisk together the the ingredients and put on a 12in pizza pan. bake at 400 degrees for about 45 min. And i think you flip it. I say think because I just made it in a skillet. I put the oil in the pan then poured the other three ingredients in the skillet. I think I messed up when I flipped it to early. If I was more patient It probably would have ended up more... normal. 

This stuff is amazing!! I HIGHLY recommend it:)

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